Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique

« Les 8 et 10 Juin 2016 à Uppsala, International workshop/conference on research methods for the study of elites and fields of power Uppsala »

Research network on the transformation of the elites SEC, Uppsala University – CESSP (CNRS-EHESS- University of Paris I Sorbonne) – Trinity College, Dublin
The workshop/conference aims at exploring methodological dimensions of studies of elites and fields of power in a cross-national and cross-historical perspective, while emphasizing, on the one hand, the intimate relationship between theory and method, and, on the other hand, the use of a variety of data and methods to map out such a vast object of research, from ethnographic accounts to statistical analyses. In focus stands the role of methodology in the construction of the research object, and its implications for the sociological analysis. Participant researchers are invited to discuss the role of the methodological instruments used in their own empirical studies of elites and fields of power, as well as those employed in other research on similar topics.
Since the workshop/conference aims at publishing a book at an international publishing house, the conference will serve the purpose of discussing early versions of contributions that may develop into book chapters. The highly preliminary book title is « Handbook for the study of elites and fields of power ». The contributions of a few of the invited researchers will take the form of interviews. Participants are requested to send a text not exceeding 30 000 characters including blank spaces and references (Times New Roman, font size 11, single spacing), by May 8th, 2016. Each paper will be discussed in a session with specially assigned discussants.
