Rising Inequalities III
Fransk-Norsk Senter for humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap (FMSH)/Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique (CNRS-EHESS-Université de Paris 1)
Jeudi 4 Octobre 2018, 10.00-17.45
Site CNRS-Pouchet, 59-61, rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris,
salle de conférence et salle 159
09.30-10.00: Accueil
10.00-11.00: Keynote 1 –
- Jérôme Bourdieu (INRA-EHESS-PSE): A social history of economic wealth in France (1820-1960)
11.00-13.00: Session 1 – Elites/Champ du pouvoir
- Anton Grau Larsen, Christoph Houmann Ellersgaard & Jacob Lunding (Copenhagen Business School): Navigating the Space of Power
- Felix Bühlmann (Univ de Lausanne): The Rise of the Financial Elite.
- Sam Friedman (LSE): Trivial Pursuits? The shifting cultural participation of the British Elite 1897-2016
14.00-15.30 : Sessions 2 et 3 (sessions parallèles)
Session 2: Travail et vie au travail
- Andreas Melldahl (Uppsala University): Bringing work back in: a multidimensional approach to work-life differentiation
- Virgilio Borges Pereira (Univ. of Porto): The Portuguese Field of Construction Industry
- Jørn Ljunggren (University of Oslo): « Constructing a Working Class Body. The (re)gaining of tradesman masculinity »
Session 3: Culture.
- Vegard Jarness (NIFU): Classes sociales et genre
- Predrag Cveticanin: The Third Axis – habitus, mobility and cultural practices
- Semi Purhonen: ‘Enter Culture, Exit Arts: The Transformation of Cultural Hierarchies, 1960-2010
15.30-15.45: Coffee break
15.45-17.15: Session 4 – Culture – cont.
- Julien Duval (CNRS-CESSP): The rising inequalities within a field of cultural production
- Nicolas Robette (CREST-LSQ) & Olivier Roueff (CNRS-CRESSPA): A (truly) multidimensional legitimacy. The scale of cultural legitimacy and the interactions between diplome, age and sex.
- Dieter Vandebroeck: “Making sense of the social, making social sense. Children’s perception and judgment of class inequality.”
17.15 – 17.45: The future of SCUD. Discussion.
Vendredi 5 Octobre 2018, 10.00-18.00
Site CNRS-Pouchet, 59-61, rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris,
salle de conférence et salle 159
10.00-11.00: Keynote 2:
- Cédric Hugrée (CNRS-CRESSPA), Étienne Penissat (CNRS-CERAPS) & Alexis Spire (CNRS-IRIS): Social Classes in Europe.
11.00-12.00: Keynote 3.
- Graziela Pedrosa (Universidade de São Paulo). Social Space and Educational Dynamics in a Large Latin American City.
12.00-13.00: Session 5 – Espace social et champs 1
- Frédéric Lebaron (ENS Cachan) & Pierre Blavier (CNRS): Is there a Europan Social Space?
- Yasmine Siblot (Univ Paris 8) & Virgilio Borges Pereira (Univ. of Porto): The popular classes in France and Portugal. A sociological comparison “from below”.
14.00-15.30: Session 6 – Espace social et champs 2
- Ellersgaard & al, CBS: Field Autonomy and division of the labour domination.
- Magne Flemmen, Jan Fredrik Hovden & Lennart Rosenlund: The uses of media in Norway.
- Patrick Lie Andersen: Political behaviour among youth. The importance of Social Class Origin, Education and Social Context
15.45-17.15: Session 7 – Éducation
- Muriel Darmon (CNRS-CESSP): The brain, the habitus and the school form: how does social class affect post-stroke patients in rehabilitation units
- Jennifer Waddling:Educational strategies among internationally mobile middle class families in Sweden.
- Anna Bennich Björkman Uppsala University: Young Adults in the Swedish Periphery: Resources, outlooks, choices and strategies
17.15-18.00: Conclusion et discussion
Contacts : Johs Hjellbrekke (johs.hjellbrekke@uib.no), François Denord (denord@msh-paris.fr), Julien Duval (jduval@msh-paris.fr)