Dans le cadre du programme de soutien à la mobilité entrante (SMI incoming) du CNRS, le CESSP a le plaisir d’accueillir cet automne John Levi Martin, sociologue, professeur à l’Université de Chicago. Un atelier de lecture intensive concernant ses travaux est organisé du 13 septembre au 5 octobre 2021 sur le site du 54 boulevard Raspail, durant lequel seront discutées les recherches de John sur la culture, les liens sociaux, la socialisation, la sexualité ou encore les manières de représenter l’espace social. Les échanges se dérouleront en anglais. Pour toute information, ou pour contacter John Levi Martin durant son séjour en France, n’hésitez pas à contacter Wilfried Lignier : wilfried.lignier[at]cnrs.fr.
Page et site Web personnels de John Levi Martin
- http://home.uchicago.edu/ jlmartin/
- https://sociology.uchicago.edu/directory/john-levi-martin
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhlm7TW54rs
A Workshop with John Levi Martin
Séminaire fermé
September 13, 2021 – October 7, 2021
EHESS, 54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris
Monday, September 13, 2pm-4pm- Socialization
Paper : 2000 “What Do Animals Do All Day ? : On the Totemic Logic of Class Bodies.” Poetics 27:195-231.
Thursday, September 16, 10am-12am - Field
Paper : 2003 “What is Field Theory ?” American Journal of Sociology 109 : 1-49.
Monday, September 20, 2pm-4pm - Sexuality
Paper : 2006 (With Matt George). “Theories of Sexual Stratification : Toward an Analytics of the Sexual Field and a Theory of Sexual Capital.” Sociological Theory 24:107-132.
Thursday, September 23, 10am-12am - Political parties
Paper : 2007 (With Adam Slez :) “Political Action and Party Formation in the United States Constitutional Convention.” American Sociological Review 72:42-67.
Monday, September 27, 2pm-4pm - Social ties
Paper : 2012 (With Tod van Gunten and Benjamin D. Zablocki). “Charisma, Status and Gender in Groups with and without Gurus.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51:20-41.
Thursday, September 30, 10am-12am - Trajectories
Paper : 2018 (With Chad Borkenhagen :) “Status and Career Mobility in Organizational Fields : Chefs and Restaurants in the United States, 1990 – 2013.”Social Forces 97 : 1–26.
Monday, October 3, 2pm-4pm - Methods
Paper : forthcoming (With Jan Fuhse, Oscar Stuhler, and Jan Riebling :) “Relating Social and Symbolic
Relations in Quantitative Text Analysis. A Study of Parliamentary Discourse in the Weimar
Republic.” Poetics.
Thursday, October 7, 10am-12am - Senses
Paper :[work in progress, unpublished text about the cultural sociology of sound perception]